Воскресенье, 02.02.2025, 05:23
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  • PGF - AUTOMATIC localisation / CORRECTION of structural ERRORS in initial codes Pascal, Delphi, C, C++, C#. 
    Keywords: debugging, formatting, support, reliability, visualisation, documenting, Pascal, Delphi, C, C++, C#, FreeWare.
    The offered approach allows automatically:

    1. In any Pascal, Delphi, C, C++, C# program (with any quantity of procedures and functions) to reveal and neutralise the reasons which at its compilation and-or performance cause messages on structural errors.

    2. To all стуктурообразующим to operators comments with the information providing them are attributed is mutual-cross reference.

    3. Transitions (obvious / implicit) are levelled on a position of the label.

    4. The initial text is formatted. New structure of the program (generated as a result of neutralisation of discrepancies) and also the revealed structural errors are visualised in created *.RTF files by means of spaces, colour and fat content. At desire it is possible directly in *.RTF files to make text debugging, to keep them ‘ File: Save as’, having specified a mode ‘ Save as type: Text document ’ and having attributed in ‘ File name ’ after a name of a file expansion.PAS ’. In this case the corrected text will replace old *.PAS a file, and it is possible to continue debugging in Turbo Pascal, Delphi, C, C++, C#.

    Quite probably, that package application in educational process and at registration of illustrative examples in textbooks also will give a positive effect as more evident and qualitative visualisation of structure of programs will facilitate teaching material mastering.
    , the package extends free of charge. System Windows. The user can itself: to alter the interface of target forms at own discretion (in install package initial texts of the program are included); it is easy to add in the interface any desirable language (PGF.exe multilanguage, the volume of messages is insignificant and while English, Russian, Georgian, German, French, Spanish). A package расспространяется some months, and for this time of messages on failures did not arrive, i.e. can take courageous - if do not help, for certain will not do much harm. To copy the detailed description, инсталлятор or updating of package PGF, pass in section Files. If PGF at you it is already installed, for updating it is enough to copy PGFWin.exe. It is assured, PGF it will appear to you useful. If the given approach to like programmers and will receive a wide circulation, it will be possible to begin works on inclusion of the given expansion in operating standards of formatting of programming languages. I hope, your responses, remarks and offers will help with it.

    I wish all the best. 

    Troshin Vasil.


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